Friday, October 14, 2011

Orange Dreamsicle Tart!

It seems that there are two kinds of people....

 The kind that love lemon and the ones that don't.  I tend to lean towards the loving lemon side.  I'm not as big a fan as my mother who could eat lemon bars for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Now when it comes to lemon for me it needs to be tart.  It simply is not worth baking or eating if it isn't so tart you practically pucker up!
  Still working on getting things pucker worthy, but I did try a recipe by Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito, the authors of Baked.  It actually includes both orange and lemon juice/zest, but the lemon sort of overpowered the orange.  Not that i or anyone was complaining.

 The dough was so extremely sticky I couldn't put
enough flour down to keep it from sticking to everything!  To be fair the recipe did say that it would be sticky, but still...holy hannah!  I ended up piecing it together in my tart pan.  Still tastes good.  And nobody would know the difference anyway once I covered it up with the filling.  After everything was baked it was time to make the topping.

  A fluffy mass of sweet goodness (aka sunkist spiked whipped cream).  It is ever so satisfying to have something I bake look just like the picture AND taste nummy at the same time.  Needless to say as soon as it came in to view (I brought it to work) it did not last long.  It tasted like a very liGht lemony, cusTArdY mixture with a  slightly sweet crust.  Just the right balance of lemon and sweetness.

Something a lemon lover would definitely appreciate.  


  1. I'm not against lemon or orange, but I just think you should warn people before giving them lemon/orange infused fudge...;)
